Directions: Repeat the following circuit for 30 minutes
Intermediate version: 30 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest
Advanced version: 30 seconds of work/NO Rest until the end of each circuit
Advanced version of wall sit- single leg for 15 seconds, switch to other leg 15 seconds
Wall Sit (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Bicycle kicks (30 second)
Rest (15 seconds)
Jumping lunges (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Sit-ups (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Jump rope (if you have one) OR Alternating quick high knees (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Split squat (left side) with knee raise (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Split squat (right side) with knee raise (30 seconds)
Rest (15 seconds)
Repeat circuit until 30 minutes has expired
Comment below, letting me know how the workout went for you... too easy? pushed the limits? just right?