Artificial sweeteners are absolute crap. I’m not going to mince words here. They are:
Are toxic
Increase your appetite and your sugar cravings
Inhibit fat metabolism
The top 3 artificial sweeteners to avoid are:
Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Equal)
• Composed of 10% methanol, 40% aspartic acid, and 50% phenylalanine which render it 200 times sweeter than actual sugar
• Disrupts normal serotonin levels and can lead to depression and other psychotic disorders
• Has a direct effect on the brain that has been associated with epilepsy, Parkinson’s and brain tumors
• Linked with digestive disturbances
• Commonly found in sugar-free gums, diet sodas and all low-fat products including yogurt
Sucralose (Splenda)
• Made by chlorinating sugar
Chlorine consumption:
• Suppresses the immune system
• Affects the blood, heart and respiratory systems of lab animals
• Interferes with the proper functioning of the thyroid
Sacharin (Sweet & Low)
• Banned from use in Canada in 1977 after it was found to increase animal risk of bladder cancer
• FDA used to require warning labels on foods that contained saccharin, but the food industry lobbyists reversed this requirement
Sweeteners to try:
Liquid stevia
Yacon syrup
Brown rice syrup
Raw local honey
Coconut palm sugar
Grade B maple syrup
You may have noticed that agave isn't on the list. Even though it doesn't spike blood sugar, it turns out that it's not so great. Recent research has shown that agave is processed in the body (by the liver) like high fructose corn syrup... yikes! Steer clear of it as much as possible and opt for one of the other sweet alternatives instead!